Now we have to explain the whole HSR lore when someone asked for the FATE lore...现在当有人问起Fate世界观时,就不得不解释整个「崩坏:星穹铁道」的世界观…
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indonerdOut of all the series they could have collabed with, I was not expecting Fate.在米哈游所有可能联动的ip中,我万万没想到会是Fate
valias2012I mean they did interview Starrail writers and Nasu together back in like May, i thought it would come eventually but im surprised they announced it so soon他们确实在五月公开了《星穹铁道》的编剧和奈须蘑菇的对谈,我认为这个联动是迟早的事,但很惊讶官宣得这么快。
MN-22x3Either way, I'm happy with it不管怎样,我都很开心
ReadySource3242I mean, there’s like a fuck ton of stuff in there inspired by fate我想说,那里面有巨TM多受fate启发的东西。
CIAgent42God dammit, now I have to get into HSR我靠,这下不得不入坑崩铁了
RulerPhoenixI'll wait to see what they have to offer我打算观望下联动内容
DiscardofilI think I literally played an hour, said "this seems interesting," and then got distracted by other things. Never got back into it.我记得自己玩了一小时崩铁,觉得“好像有点意思”,然后被其他事分心了,然后再也没有然后了。
MedicalMiqotelol this was me, I played through the tutorial bit then never played it again. I didn’t care for how it played on mobile so maybe I’ll try on pc or console笑了,这不是我吗,我过完教学就再也没碰过了。我对手游没兴趣,所以可能会在电脑或主机试试。
SeesawFlat9628lol this was me, I played through the tutorial bit then never played it again. I didn’t care for how it played on mobile so maybe I’ll try on pc or console笑了,这不是我吗,我过完教学就再也没碰过了。我对手游没兴趣,所以可能会在电脑或主机试试。
helmets_guyGod dammit, now I have to get into FATE我靠,这下不得不入坑FATE了
KenseiHimuraThey're doing this on purpose to force people to start needing to take freaking college courses on their gacha lore, aren't they?他们故意的吧,逼着玩家为了看懂他们的抽卡游戏背景,提高本科率?
helmets_guyNah we're gonna need a doctorate to figure this out哪啊,我们起码博士起步才能看明白这些。
Xaldrorhow it feels being a warhammer fan explaining it to new people战锤玩家给新人介绍世界观时什么感觉
DiscardofilPsh, Warhammer is easy. "Everything sucks for everyone. Yeah, including the bad guys, they just know how to have fun even when everything sucks."笑,战锤多简单。“所有人都烂完了。没错,反派也一样,他们只是知道在怎么在一切都烂完的情况下找乐子。”
XaldrorPsh, Fate is Easy "everyone is using the reanimated Souls of dead heroes and myths, yes even the good guys, they're just following misguided ideas of justice".笑,Fate多简单。“所有人都在利用复活的英灵或神话人物打架,没错,主角也一样,他们只是被自以为是的正义理念给带歪了。
HeacenjetAnd don't forget, this heros are waifus.别忘了,那些英灵都是老婆。
RedDemonSwordpoor honkai fans. even the short version has mor information than their entire franchise😂可怜的崩坏粉。即使是最短的作品信息量也比他们整个系列要多😂
Primordial_resolute9Their worldbuilding is subpar to the greatness of the mushroom man.他们的世界架构远不如蘑菇人写的宏大。
DiscardofilStar Rail only came out in 2021, and even if you include Impact 3rd, it only came out in 2018. Fate really hit public consciousness in 2006 with the first anime, but there was plenty of stuff before that, and Nasu has utterly refused to stop publishing for even a moment ever since.崩铁2021才出,就算你把崩三也考虑进来,也只能追溯到2018年。Fate引起公众反响是在2006年的第一部动画,但在那之前已经有很多内容了,而且奈须从那会儿起就完全没停下来创作了。
firebutt25https://typemoon.fandom.com/wiki/Fate_series Even only counting the stuff that came out since 2018 fate is still a fair bit more complicated. It's probably a bit closer going from 2021 onwards but I'd probably still give it to fate since nothing is linear and it just looks like a mess.就算只看2018年后的内容,fate仍然复杂得多。2021年开始可能差不多,但我仍然会投给fate,因为根本不存在线性叙事,看起来也乱的不行。
ReadySource3242Ggz technically came out before fgo, though it had basically zero lore until like, 2017崩2严格来讲比fgo早,但它在2017年之前几乎没有背景故事。
yurienjoyer54HSR is like barely a year old. wheres 2021 from?崩铁不是才一年多吗,2021哪来的?
NormalDance9685Wait till they get to the abomination that is the chart.等他们看到那张可怕的图表就知道了。
JobintheCactusAre you talking about the timeline chart or the FGO relationship chart that somehow gives us at least 13 different legitimate claims to the English throne from artoria alone.你指时间线表,还是FGO关系图?那图竟然给出了至少13个亚瑟王的合法英格兰王位主张。
NormalDance9685was talking about the relationship chart for fgo. Which is so large that it literally crashes some people's phone when they try to load it. I forgot about the timeline. That thing is also insane.就是在说这张关系图。确实太庞大了,加载时甚至会搞崩一部分人的手机。我把时间线给忘了,那玩意儿也挺夸张。
valias2012I mean if it were FGO i wouldnt discard it from being canon in someway bit they said UBW so I doubt it如果是联动FGO的话我可能不会把它从本篇排除,但是UBW的话我不好说。
el_presidenteplusoneits very unlikely that we will see honkai lore in the nasuverse anytime soon, FGO collabs only happens with works already canon to the nasuverse so as to not break the lore. more likely the event will be a character banner in star rail with the main group of UBW, so probably artoria, emiya, cu, gil that kind of stuff崩坏世界观出现在奈须世界观的可能性很小,因为FGO联动通常只与已经是奈须世界观的正作进行,避免破坏背景设定。这次活动大概率是崩铁出UBW主要角色的卡池,比如saber、卫宫、狗哥、金闪闪什么的。
Delay_OwnOr just one character judging from their Honkai Impact 3rd x Evangelion collab by just putting Asuka. Wouldn’t be surprised if they just add only Artoria and called it a day.或者按之前崩3与eva的联动,只加入了明日香的方式来看,可能加个呆毛王就结束了。
Stemwinder301 year in advance?提前一年官宣?
helmets_guySo that the leakers wouldn't ruin the surprise and so that players can save currency to pull for the characters, also giving us time to go through the fate franchise这样内鬼就不会破坏惊喜,玩家能攒更多票抽角色,也让圈外人有时间了解fate
Inuhanyou123If I recall the creator of honkai is a huge nasuverse and type moon fanboy如果我没记错的话,崩坏制作人就是一个狂热的 蘑菇宇宙 和 型月粉丝
String-performanceThis may be the best colab in the history of colabs maybe ever这可能是联动史上最好的联动了
IHateRedditMuchApril is long gone, wtf is this愚人节不是早过了,这他妈啥
B-29BomberI'M NOT DOING IT! YOU CAN'T MAKE ME!我不干!你们别逼我!
Primordial_resolute9Is this a joke?这是整蛊吗?