欧美阿宅:对「LoveLive! SuperStar!!」第二季第1集的感想
Love Live! Superstar!! 2 S2E1 Discussion - "Youkoso Liella! he!"对「LoveLive! SuperStar!!」第二季第1集的感想
(本帖翻译由网友 7Pixels 投稿)
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LoL_is_for_hamkachan:so Mei is red-haired Hanayo but crazier所以芽衣其实是红毛花阳,但是更能折腾。
Kunagi7回复上层:Looks like it. I can't wait to see Mei talking with Keke.
Also, Shiki looks like a taller version of Rinari. The way she "pushed" Kinako into Liella was quite funny too!是挺像。我很期待她与可可之间的互动。
perlenYurifan4life回复上层:Also tomboy and more aggressive.更加强气和假小子范
MightyActionGaim:turns out the first years are just too intimidated by Liella's apparent high barrier to entry lmao一年级们被Liella高不可攀的门槛吓跑了Imao
dadnaya:I gave in and watched it raw.
Really liking Kinako so far, Mei also seems promising.
Not really sure about the other two, Oninatsu might become a "butt of the joke" character. I also felt like she is pretty similar to Sumire so idk(太长,后略)我没忍住去看的生肉。
St0rm__ 回复上层:「I feel like she just kinda doesn't fit into Liella who are all happy and genki and hype generally.」
Having contrast is never a bad thing「我觉得以她的性格不太适合Liella这种元气欢乐爱整活的氛围」
dadnaya 回复上层:Ehhh I dunno. I feel like she's kind of a loner in being so out of it.
She gives me some Karin from NijiGaku vibes although maybe more goofy呃—我不道。我感觉她是个独来独往的人,可能会不合群。
netpapa 回复上层:Karin + some Hanamaru village senses果林+花丸集合体的感觉
dadnaya 回复上层:Lol, like Mei that felt like a Hanayo till she lashed out at KinakoLol,就像芽衣一开始看着很像花阳直到她开始在樱小路面前发癫
Agitated_Eye9933 回复上层:just wait til the shenanigans with mei starts...迟早看见制作组对芽衣的迫害…
netpapa 回复dadnaya:「They'll also have to work harder to sell Shiki to me, I feel like she just kinda doesn't fit into Liella who are all happy and genki and hype generally.」
Kanon isn't generally in genki mode.「要让我买四季的账的也很难,我觉得以她的性格不太适合Liella这种元气欢乐爱整活的氛围。」
dadnaya 回复上层:Huh? Kanon?
Kanon seems very genki to me.
Obviously she can be serious, and probably not as genki as Honk for example, but she's very high up there啊?香音吗 ?
waruice 回复dadnaya:「I also felt like she is pretty similar to Sumire so idk」
Same here, I can't tell what they were thinking. Not just in appearance, but also the personality? Was it really that hard to at least make her look different?
I guess it's too late to lament but I had grown too attached to the original Liella! because they look like a full group as 5 members. Now they're just like every other group. Would have been interesting if they had turned the new 4 into a sister group from the same club instead.「她和堇有很多属性都重合了所以我不好说。」
Agitated_Eye9933回复 dadnaya:「she just kinda doesn't fit into Liella who are all happy and genki and hype generally」
did you just forgot about ren?「我觉得以她的性格不太适合Liella这种元气欢乐爱整活的氛围。」
JimmyCWL:It's subbed now, thanks to Onibe!
Was that the Shibuya Sky rooftop Kinako was on when she was wandering around?熟肉出了,感谢Onibe字幕组!
樱小路观光时去的那个观景台是Shibuya Sky吧?
darth__fluffy:OMGGGG it was GREAT!!
New OP is fantastic, IMO. One of the best in the franchise!
Keke, you're obviously lying. Ngl, I quite like how they're handling this, setting it up for later like that. Also the SumiKeke dynamic seems better here than in last season, they seem more equals and less Keke bullying/teasing Sumire. I have a feeling that this season might make me a Kuku fan again :')
MEI CHAN MEI CHAN MEI CHAN <3 I didn't expect her to be a closet Liella! fangirl omg. She was my favorite of the new girls and she's still my favorite, I love her vibe. She kinda reminds me of Setsuna—tough on the outside, fangirl on the inside. I wonder if she will sing in the same stylehaSHIRIDASHITA
I must say, though, I'm liking Kinako more than I expected to! She's really funny. Awesome insert song too. My only real gripe was not enough Ren screentime
and do you know how hard it is to type w/ one hand in a cast??嗷嗷嗷太好看啦!
可可你说不用回国绝对是骗人的吧。制作组先把这事埋了个伏笔,感觉不错。另外可堇的互动感觉比上季亲密多了,比起可可单方面欺负/调戏堇的场面,现在两人的对话看起来更加平等了。我预感这季动画会令我更加坚定不移的继续可可推 :')
芽衣芽衣芽衣 <3 没想到你还是个隐藏Liella厨啊! 追星少女哈哈。一年生里最喜欢她了,人设很赞。让我想起了雪菜—外在冷淡,内在宅。不知道她会不会以同样的风格来演唱呢 走り出した
blackautomata:The pacing of the episode is extremely quick wth. its like each of the character is rapping to each other lol这集的节奏巨快无比。好像所有角色都在互相rap一样lol
WonderfulUs回复上层:Oh, the machikado mazoku style I see.街角魔族是吧
BlayAndHowlie:Pleasantly surprised that they didn't waste any time showing that Natsumi isn't just a typical attention-hogging gremlin, she's actually pretty perceptive and humble. She was my least favorite when she was first introduced but I think she has a lot of potential just from this first episode.很惊喜地看到制作组没浪费一分一秒就证明了夏美并不是那种哗众取宠的小丑,她其实很有洞察力,很谦虚。人设刚公布时她是我最讨厌的角色,但是从第一集的表现来看她有很大潜力。
KillJoy-Player:A little late to watch it on Bilibili, just to find out that it's not yet in there (or unless it really won't be). Now this is the reason why I'm learning japanese language!
Well, that was a good start, and they to think that they've been hiding Mei's characterall this time. And Shiki... the all-hearing support.在Bilibili上看的所以晚了一些,想确定那边只是延迟播出(而不是不播)。所以我才为此学习日语啊!
Mykal1212:Kinako is adorable and Shiki is a Mad Scientist, Mei is an aggressive hanayo and Natsu I can tell will get along with sumire. I missed Superstar and I'm excited for the rest of the season樱小路很可爱,四季是个科技宅,芽衣是强气型花阳,夏美看得出肯定能跟堇合得来。太想念星团了我很期待第二季接下来的内容
netpapa回复上层:I can’t tell if Natsu is going support Sumire when Keke roasts Sumire我看不出当可可毒舌堇的时候夏美会不会站堇这边
reimadara:It's only been a year but it feels so long since S1 aired. Was excited for ep 1 for a while now and it was really exciting! Highlights for me:
aiu-eo:Is it just me or was the pacing really really bad?
It felt so wack. Everything got introduced at the same time and at light speed. Scenes come and go with no rhyme and reason. A lot of the stuff that the characters say and do make no sense at all.
coreymon77回复上层:Regress? Really? They haven’t regressed at all. It is abundantly clear that their relationship is way different now than it was originally. They clearly care about one another. The casual teasing is just those two’s relationship dynamic.
You’re telling me you don’t have that friend with whom you’re constantly sniping at one another? I thought pretty much everyone had that friend. I certainly do, they’re one of my closer friends actually. We’re constantly taking the piss out of each other but A) we’re close enough to know it’s all in good fun and B) we know that if shit actually went down, we’d each be the first person there to help.关系倒退?你认真的?完全没有好吧。她俩的关系明摆着已经跟最初见面有天壤之别了。她们明显互相关心对方,日常互损只是两人的感情好的体现而已。
别说你现实里没有这样的朋友?我觉得每个人都会有这种朋友,我也一样。我和他的关系甚至还是这之中最好的。平日里就是经常打诨说笑,但是 一)我们都知道是在互开玩笑 二)对方有什么事时我们都会出手帮忙
aiu-eo回复上层:Ribbing on -each other- is fine, but in this case it's almost entirely just Keke outright insulting Sumire for no reason at all and never the other way round.
我给你看下这集她俩的主要互动中,可可是怎么对堇说的 (以下摘自b站木棉花翻译)
• 14:03 “每个都比堇还厉害,毕竟大家都是音乐班的嘛“
• 14:52 “都是堇在音乐班的校舍大吵大闹的关系“
• 15:19 “果然问题出在堇身上…“,15:47 “原因果然还是堇吗…”
• 05:02 “这件事不需要堇来操心!不可以对香音她们说喔,要是你说了,我就把你那两撮卷发全剪下来!”
Brawl345回复上层:Had the same feeling. I remember this one episode in season 1 where everyone was basically bullying Sumire because she "can't be the center". Really bad episode.同感。我记得那集基本上所有人都在欺凌堇因为她“不能胜任C位”。很糟糕的剧情。
blackautomata回复aiu-eo:Yes. Agree 100%
We literally got previous season summary, introduced all the new characters, and finished 1 character story.
The casual bullying still continues, and some of the scenes dont make sense at all. It sometimes feels like it is a sitcom or something没错。100%同意
jonjoy:a pretty good start for S2. Kinako is fun to watch especially with her dialect, and non-chan did a pretty good job for her debut. I can't say anything yet for the other girls.
I love the visual of the insert song, the pastel colours make it looks really light and soft.很精彩的开场。樱小路的颜艺配上她的方言看着非常有趣,non酱发挥得非常出色。其他新人戏份不多先不评价。
shabirnaufal:After listening to the OP I'm glad there is no high pitched voice like Hanayo,Ruby and Kotori. I can keep playing Liella's song in front of my family without getting embarrassed听完OP我很高兴里面没有像花阳、露比、南小鸟那样的尖细声音。这下我可以光明正大的在家人面前循环外放Liella了